Venezuela determine to release another currency series

as mentioned in The Central Bank of Venezuela has published the designs of the fresh currency series that going to be released on June 4, 2018. Eight fresh banknotes have been designed alongside 2 fresh coins; once released they going to replace the current series in circulation. The fresh banknote series Information Systems president Nicolas Maduro's latest attempt to battle the country's economic crisis. "Venezuela won't be a colony of the dollar, we going to defend the economic & financial sovereignty of the country," he told on Marc

Petro-yuan to release renminbi as universal currency and kneecap petro-dollar

Yuan-backed oil futures could shatter the America $ power on the crude market, according to Specialists polled with RT. China has soon overtaken the America as the world's number 1 oil buyer. As a result, Washington could deliberately undermine the image of the petro-yuan with attacking Chinese stock, which could result in the devaluation of the yuan, making Chinese oil futures less attractive, Rozhankovsky said. China has plans to increase the renminbi as a spare currency & there Information Systems no best move than to buy raw materials in its national currency. The analyst notes which the oil market Information Systems worth $14 trillion at the moment, & Information Systems bigger than the Chinese economy.

Petro-yuan to launch renminbi as global currency & kneecap petro-dollar

Trump can release a currency war against the yuan

As it stated in But if it views Chinese exports & investments as a threat, it perhaps be just a matter of time before it targets the Chinese currency, too. Inclusion in the SDR currency basket thus provided a great boost to the yuan's international standing, & encouraged China to go even more in promoting the currency. Although its international standing has risen, China's currency Information Systems continue a long method from major-league status. Of course, a currency war alongside a trade war would be dangerous, & possibly disastrous. This article was published by permission of Project Syndicate — going to Trump release a Currency War, Too?

collected by :Mathio Rix