Square Rises As Digital Currency Bitcoin Stages Mini-Rally

collected by :Mathio Rix

Square (SQ) rose on Friday as digital currency Bitcoin locked in on its 1st back-to-back every week gains this year. San Francisco-based Square offers a Bitcoin interchange out of its Square Cash app. Square Cash users could purchas & purvey the digital currency. An Instinet analyst on Wednesday told which Square's link by Bitcoin's value change has "been on a downward trend." However, the Instinet analyst told Square's first-quarter results could get a boost from the digital currency.

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John Williams appeals Bitcoin could Never Become a Proper Currency

As it stated in About The AuthorJP Buntinx Information Systems a FinTech & Bitcoin enthusiast living in Belgium. His passion for finance & tech made him 1 of the world's leading freelance Bitcoin writers, & he aims to achieve the same standard of respect in the FinTech sector.
