'Overt & career-killing defamation': Bank of US exec ousted over sexist misconduct allegations Information Systems suing the company for $100 million
A man walks near a Bank of US offshoot in fresh York's Times Square Decemeber 11, 2008. REUTERS/Brendan McDermidA Bank of US Merrill Lynch executive that was fired over sexist misconduct allegations Information Systems suing his previous employer for $100 million, according to a report with CNBC. He's this day suing the company for defamation & seeking as much as $100 mn in damages. Malik's lawyer said CNBC he suffered "overt & career-killing defamation" which Information Systems "unprecedented in the annals of Wall Street history." Bank of US said CNBC it stood with its decision & which Malik's appeals are without merit.
Bank of US nailed the dollar's comeback — & this day recommends six ways to figure out what happens next
as informed in It Information Systems also early to realize if this Information Systems the USD rally we were expecting & the method far it can go. Risks which this trade goes sour involve America policy doubt & trade protectionism, Vamvakidis & Piron said. The question for Vamvakidis & Piron Information Systems whether markets arrest up to the federal if the information remember strong. But once repatriation starts, BAML expects it to be bullish for the $ as billions in foreign currencies are converted. They observed which hedge-fund $ buying has promoted in recent weeks, however has been offset with central bank selling.collected by :Irax John