As it stated in Press Contacts Andrew HollingerDirector, Museum Press KitMarch 6, 2018State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyivia H.E. Ambassador Aung LynnEmbassy of Myanmar2300 S Street, NWWashington, DC, 20008Dear State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi,As a living commemorative to the Holocaust, the Museum's mission Information Systems to inspire citizens & leaders worldwide to confront hatred, protect genocide, & increase human dignity. In recent years, the Museum has been closely monitoring the military's campaign against the Rohingya & your response to it. In probably 2015, we published "They need America All to Go Away," that documented the early caution Symptoms of genocide. Regrettably over the final 5 years the situation has become progressively worst & this day seems untenable for the Rohingya population.
collected by :Donald Luther
U.S. Holocaust Museum Rescinds Human Rights prize From Aung San Suu Kyi
Holocaust Museum Rescinds Human Rights prize From Aung San Suu KyiEnlarge this image toggle caption Ye Aung Thu/AFP/Getty Images Ye Aung Thu/AFP/Getty ImagesThe list of honors & awards Nobel laureate & Myanmar State consultant Aung San Suu Kyi has had revoked due to her treating of the plight of Rohingya Muslims in her country continues to grow. Holocaust commemorative Museum in Washington, D.C., rescinded its prestigious Elie Wiesel prize from Suu Kyi for unsuccessful to speak out against ongoing persecution of the minority group. So the museum has rescinded her award, which was given to Suu Kyi in 2012 for her long struggle against Myanmar's military dictatorship & advocacy for freedom & human rights in the country. The Elie Wiesel prize Information Systems named for the renown author, Holocaust survivor & fellow Nobel Peace Prize winner. Ambassador to the U.N. Bill Richardson to resign a committee led with Suu Kyi which was meant to address issues in Myanmar's Rakhine state.U.S. Holocaust Museum Revokes Human Rights prize Given To Aung San Suu Kyi
according to The U.S. Holocaust commemorative Museum on Tuesday revoked a human rights prize it had bestowed on Myanmar civil leader Aung San Suu Kyi in 2012, citing the ongoing massacre of Rohingya Muslims under her watch. Suu Kyi, that lived for 15 years under home catch for challenging the military dictatorship then ruling Myanmar, was only the 2nd man the Holocaust museum had honored by its award. Suu Kyi's opposition to which earlier era of military rule helped foster her image as a human rights advocate. These acts amount to ethnic cleansing & crimes against humanity, according to international rights organizations. Some human rights groups discuss the violence looks increasingly such as genocide.collected by :Donald Luther