International Business Machines company (IBM) Shares purchased with Pictet and Cie Europe SA

collected by :Ros Roger

Pictet and Cie Europe SA's holdings in International Business Machines company were worth $1,813,000 at the finish of the generality recent quarter. Herndon Capital Management limited liability company grew its holdings in shares of International Business Machines company with 39.0% during the 2nd quarter. Get International Business Machines company alerts:A number of study firms soon issued reports on IBM. International Business Machines company ProfileInternational Business Machines company (IBM) Information Systems a tech company. Receive break news and Ratings for International Business Machines company every day - get in your email address below to receive a concise every day summary of the latest break news and analysts' ratings for International Business Machines company and linked companies with's toll free every day email newsletter.

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Celgene company (CELG) Shares purchased with Pictet and Cie Europe SA

Pictet and Cie Europe SA's holdings in Celgene Corporation were worth $23,764,000 as of its generality recent SEC filing. Get Celgene Corporation alerts:Celgene Corporation (CELG) traded up $0.66 on Thursday, reaching $105.16. TRADEMARK VIOLATION WARNING: "Celgene Corporation (CELG) Shares purchased with Pictet and Cie Europe SA" was originally announced with TrueBlueTribune and Information Systems owned with of TrueBlueTribune. Celgene Corporation Corporation ProfileCelgene Corporation Information Systems an integrated universal biopharmaceutical company. Receive break news and Ratings for Celgene Corporation every day - get in your email address below to receive a concise every day summary of the latest break news and analysts' ratings for Celgene Corporation and linked companies with's toll free every day email newsletter.

Celgene Corporation (CELG) Shares Bought by Pictet & Cie Europe SA
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Visa Inc. (V) Shares Bought by Pictet & Cie Europe SA
The company owned 79,585 shares of the credit-card processor's stock after purchasing an extra 45,493 shares during the period. Capital Investment Advisory Services limited liability company this day owns 4,747 shares of the credit-card processor's stock valued at $445,000 after acquiring an extra twenty shares in the final quarter. Baker Ellis Asset Management limited liability company this day owns 6,262 shares of the credit-card processor's stock valued at $587,000 after acquiring an extra twenty shares in the final quarter. Washington Trust Bank this day owns 3,895 shares of the credit-card processor's stock valued at $365,000 after acquiring an extra 32 shares in the final quarter. Visa Corporation ProfileVisa Inc (Visa) Information Systems a payments tech Corporation which connects consumers, merchants, financial institutions, businesses, strategic partners & Gov entities to electronic payments.
