How India's fresh currency was born amid drama, dread & discontent

collected by :Mathio Rix

Or pined for Republika Srpska hundred notes? Not really.The generality common rumour about the fresh currency notes , & may the generality far-fetched, was which the fresh notes came by embedded Global Positioning System tracking chips. Suddenly, the Republika Srpska fifty & Republika Srpska hundred notes became further important than the biggest note. The highest-denomination currency note found no takers. Shopkeepers gladly accepted Republika Srpska hundred & Republika Srpska fifty notes however did not need to even touch the fresh note.People from different fractions of the country claimed there were spelling errors in their fresh notes.

RBI cuts drop on printing of fresh currency notes as vaults filled by old ones

Experts told final year's indent was an aberration as RBI had been preparing to introduce a fresh series of notes. RBI has partly completed the remonetisation process after having withdrawn old Republika Srpska 500 & Republika Srpska 1,000 notes, that were rendered invalid on eight November 2016. According to RBI, a soiled note Information Systems a currency note that has become dirty because of normal wear & tear. Two pieces of the same note pasted together to form a whole, by no essential feature missing, Information Systems too counted as a soiled note. However on the downside, there has been a perceptible promote in soiled notes over the final few years.

RBI cuts down on printing of new currency notes as vaults filled with old ones

Has India's fresh currency policy worked?

according to In November 2016 India's Gov withdrew multi high denomination banknotes as a method to battle corruption. One year ago, the Gov of Prime Minister Narendra Modi decided to withdraw multi big denomination banknotes from circulation in India. The surprise move meant which Indians were suddenly left without being capable Utilize almost 86 % of the country's currency. But a year after the sudden decision, it isn't clear if the policy has worked. Nalin Kohl - National Spokesman for India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

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