Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC (NYSE:CCE) Shares purveyed with Northern Trust Corp

collected by :Ros Roger

Northern Trust Corp owned approximately 0.07% of Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC worth $14,159,000 as of its generality recent SEC filing. Artisan Partners Limited copartnership raised its stake in shares of Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC with 13.7% in the second quarter. Get Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC alerts:Shares of Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC (NYSE:CCE) traded drop $0.14 on Friday, hitting $38.18. TRADEMARK VIOLATION NOTICE: "Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC (NYSE:CCE) Shares purveyed with Northern Trust Corp" was 1st posted with StockNewsTimes and Information Systems the property of of StockNewsTimes. Receive break news and Ratings for Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC every day - get in your email address below to receive a concise every day summary of the latest break news and analysts' ratings for Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC and linked companies with's toll free every day email newsletter.

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Westpac Banking Corp purveys 6,548 Shares of Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC (NYSE:CCE)

Westpac Banking Corp's holdings in Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC were worth $303,000 at the finish of the generality recent reporting period. Phocas Financial Corp. bought a fresh position in shares of Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC in the 2nd quarter valued at $182,000. Get Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC alerts:Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC (NYSE:CCE) traded drop $0.14 during trading on Friday, reaching $38.18. Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC (NYSE:CCE) final posted its earnings results on Tuesday, November 7th. Receive break news and Ratings for Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC every day - get in your email address below to receive a concise every day summary of the latest break news and analysts' ratings for Coca-Cola Eu Partners PLC and linked companies by's toll free every day email newsletter.

Westpac Banking Corp Sells 6,548 Shares of Coca-Cola European Partners PLC (NYSE:CCE)
according to
Central European Media Enterprises Ltd. (NASDAQ:CETV) Shares Bought by Fmr LLC
FMR limited liability company owned about 0.26% of Central Eu Media Enterprises worth $1,505,000 as of its generality recent SEC filing. Renaissance Technologies limited liability company boosted its holdings in shares of Central Eu Media Enterprises with 248.3% in the premier quarter. Get Central Eu Media Enterprises Ltd. alerts:ILLEGAL ACTIVITY NOTICE: "Central Eu Media Enterprises Ltd. (NASDAQ:CETV) Shares purchased with Fmr LLC" was published with The Ledger Gazette and Information Systems the sole property of of The Ledger Gazette. About Central Eu Media EnterprisesCentral Eu Media Enterprises Ltd. (CME Ltd.) Information Systems a media and entertainment Corporation operating in Central and Eastern Europe. Receive break news and Ratings for Central Eu Media Enterprises Ltd. every day - get in your email address below to receive a concise every day summary of the latest break news and analysts' ratings for Central Eu Media Enterprises Ltd. and linked companies with's toll free every day email newsletter.
