according to Previous economic research has indeed found that the construction of the interstate highway system substantially boosted productivity for industries associated with road use. First was to invoke the building of the interstate highway system. The second mistake was to highlight "creating millions of new jobs" as an aim or positive of any infrastructure spending. In other words, building a highway system can boost growth. Building a second highway system?
according to
Trump's Economic Illiteracy on Display in Address to Congress
Could it be that when he promises not to reform Social Security and Medicare, he is actually promising massive cuts to Social Security down the road? Medicare and Social Security spending was $1.6 trillion of the total. As you may know, in 2035, when the Social Security Trust Funds runs out of assets, benefits will be cut across the board by roughly 25 percent. Trump promised to spend more money on veterans. Last year, spending on Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and net interest paid on the debt increased more visit us Economic
collected by :John Miller