Fitch: Trump a Risk to Global Economy quoting : "VOA News"

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Trump Administration Poses New Risk to Global Economy
One of the major U.S. credit ratings agencies says the Trump administration represents a risk to international economic conditions and could alter global sovereign credit fundamentals. The Fitch Ratings agency says risks have increased because U.S. policy predictability has diminished under Donald Trump, raising the prospects of unanticipated policy changes that could have global economic consequences. Fitch says a lot will depend on whether those policies lead to bigger deficits or expand the U.S. debt. Countries most at risk from increased U.S. unpredictability are those with close economic ties that are now under scrutiny because of perceptions of unfair trade arrangements or exchange rate practices. Fitch says that, due to the size of the U.S. economy and its integration in the global supply chain, any actions Washington takes to limit trade in one country are bound to have effects on other countries.

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collected by :John Miller

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